
I chose the name "WwoollfF" to get an unique "trademark" of music. Also I liked the metaphor of the wolf - an animal that is known for his individuality on the one hand and his living in a social group on the other hand.
WwoollfF grew up in the austere fifties in Oberhausen/Germany. In 1972 he took his A-levels. After that he had the time during 15 months to learn that the colour olive-green didn't suit him. Then he studied in Duisburg to become a teacher. And he made his hobbies his subjects of study - Music and German philology. Since 1977 he was unleashed on mankind - sorry, the pupils.
After having been at work on one grammar school and two secondary modern schools, he spent the rest of his teacher-career - more than a quarter-century - at the pedagogic front of an integrated school. He was pensioned In 2003 because of burn-out. But since that he learnt to love his depression, it has become a well of artistic creativity implemented in a lot of his songs and poems. I love the Blues...
In 2008 me, the "WwoollfF", joined the artistic activities of the HOF 60-project in Dorsten-Wulfen. That was developped to the "Kultur Werkstatt Wulfen" (KWW) - Cultural Workshop Wulfen. I performed among others on the ''Rocktoberfest'',
on vernissages and on Christmas-markets. In celebration of gender equality I was on stage with songs concerning 'Women in Europe''.
In the April of 2009 my first CD ''Wailing Wolf'' was published. My second CD ''Swingin' Christmas'' came out at Christmas of the same year. In 2010 I released "Blue Hour" - a compilation album of blues-songs - and "Blisters on my Soul", an anthology of my latest songs. In 2011 "Tantrum" and "A little Nothing" - 16 "background music" instrumentals - were produced. Most of my songs are sold by AMAZON, iTunes, Spotiy and on other platforms.